This is the first question which comes to the mind of everybody that what is FFCS. FFCS stands for “Federation of Former Child Scientists”. As the name suggests this is a group of all the former child scientists’ means who have appeared at state or above level of CSC or a member of School Science Clubs. Here we will be trying for spreading scientific awareness and activities.

The very basic motive behind starting and organizing the CSC every year was also the same. It is also the answer to the question “What after NCSC?” Yes a few of the projects are taken up by DST every year from the national level, even an opportunity is also given to all the projects that if they want to continue they may come up. But the question arises how many number of projects come up. Here FFCS will try to make an effort to channelize those potential ideas coming up through CSC or Science clubs that can be fruitful in the future. This is the answer to the question that what is the need of FFCS? Now more than 17 years have passed since organizing the NCSC and now this had merely being concentrated as a competition event more rather than developing the students or children’s as future science activists or scientists. This has to be done today and now. That’s from where FFCS comes. The mission of FFCS is of changing the society which the youth can do…

We have found that now those former child scientists are excelling as scientists, teachers, doctors, engineers, administrators, etc. in their career. Then the question is why not to seek their contribution towards the development of the society and in creating awareness about the science. We expect that they will make effort of being instrumental in the development of the society. At their level they will try to create scientific awareness and if possible then some Research & Development also. We believe that R&D can’t be bounded and every small and big innovation contributes in the development of the society. Our effort is to provide a pool of experts and scientists in order to guide the former child scientists for the future. We also make an effort that there must be development of some skill in the member former child scientists in their academic stream wheather its technical, non-technical or professional so that it can act as their career boosting platform for them to excell. We want that right from their schooling the students and parents must see the future in the field of science and R&D.

The aim of FFCS is to start from where CSC and science clubs ends. Means conducting all those activities which they haven’t succeeded i.e. developing each and every child scientist into a science activist for the mission of changing the society which suffers from a lot of sufferings whether it is from sanitation, water related issues, global warming, illiteracy or implementation and making latest technologies available to a common man, etc. This is the need of today India, a developing India. We want a sustainable development and especially the students who are the future of tomorrow to take up their responsibilities to have a developed India.

It was also found that some of the former child scientists do carry out their scientific activities for sometime but due to lack of proper guidance and platform that energy and zeal die out. Here the question arises that if this is happening then why not to support, promote and nourish them though the activities of FFCS. We are trying our best to establish its state units in each and every state of our nation to make its activities more effective with your volunteer support.

Our vision will be to work together and not only raise voice but also identify, solve and make society aware about all their basic requirements with duties, issues and problems taking scientific methods and its awareness among them making them self dependent. We believe on SCIENCE, SCIENTIST and SOCIETY. Our question is: “Are you with us?”





            FIRST STEP

                    FIRST STEP is the upcomming event of FFCS in which all the members of FFCS will go to a Government/Non-Government, Primary or Secondary schools who are are self dependent on basis of infrastructure, Laboratory and teaching staffs. We think that the knowledge is not the property of anybody and must be spread irrespective of monetry benefit. We want the informations /seminars/skill development activities which is provided by the private school for the students of posh colonies must also reach to the students of weaker society which can't afford that much of fee. 
                  Apart from this to live a healty, hygenic and better life it is necessary to have information regarding them which is not being covered in the school syllabus. We try to impart a technical cum interactive cum informatic session to the students (as being mentioned above) so that not only they are benefited but is expected that they will aslo inform about this to their parents, relatives, neighbours and with whom they interact as it is the habbit of the kids to discuss with everyone about their new and exciting experiences. Simultaneously we also aimed that our this activity may implant a seed of scientific attitude and temprament inside the little minds which can flourish into a big tree when they go for persuing their technical and scientific knowledge (degree) in future. It is our FIRST STEP in imparting scientific knowledge and developing scientific minds for bein instrumental in the development of the society as we believe on SCIENCE, SCIENTIST & SOCIETY....
                  To make this big dream comes true by our small inititatives our FFCS members will try to reach minimum one school on every second saturday of the month and will try to held a session of two hours duration and their work will be citated firstly by the principal of the concerned school and then by the FFCS. It is not necessary that the FFCS member will have to attend any particular school but any of the school nearby and convenient to him falling in the category being specified earlier.
                    We hope that in this why what a Former Child Scientist has gained from the society would be able to return it back to it in a more effective and a better manner. Now the question is we have already taken our FIRST STEP toward the development of the NATION "ARE YOU READY TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP?"